
16Sep15: Completed work on the 6th section of Dlugorai, containing galliards. Herbert Speck also set these pieces, and John Robinson set several of them. I completed my versions before consulting theirs, then checked mine against theirs. In those cases where I thought they had a preferable version to mine, I noted the editorial changes with their initials [hs] and [lhr]. In doing this section of Dlugorai, I received considerable help and encouragement from John Robinson and Catherine Liddell., which is much appreciated. I should also mention that John Robinson has been very helpful in providing tables of contents for all the Dlugorai sections and for identifying composers, common titles, and concordances for many, if not most, of them.
31Aug16: Completed work on the 
5th section of Dlugorai, consisting of “intradas”. After a discussion with John Robinson and Catherine Liddell, I have come to the conclusion that, for purposes of this lute book, an intrada is simply a piece that can be used to start of introduce something, not otherwise a specific type. That being said, most of the pieces in this section of Dlugorai appear to be allemandes, accompanied by a lesser number of galliards and other triple time pieces, and a few vocal intabulations. The quality seems still to be quite poor, but there is an occasional gem to be found here.


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