22Feb25:About a month ago, I started working on D-KNh:Hochschule fur Musik und Tanz, Bibliothek ms.R242:Romer Lute Book (1583).
After working on the MS for about three weeks, I managed to encode and edit 16 Pieces, but the quality of the MS is very poor, and it took a great deal of work to produce just that much. The problem is that the scribe was extremely careless in notating bar lines and rhythm flags. Many pieces contain neither bar lines nor rhythm flags, requiring a lot of guesswork. Also the notes are often also erroneous, so it has taken a lot of work just to create something playable.
I have decided I would rather spend my efforts on more rewarding sources, so my next project will be Giralamo Scotto Intabolatura de Lauto de Diversi Autori (1563), containing works by Milano, Aquila, Rippe, and others.
Meanwhile, though, I might as well put what I have done of the Romer book online.
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