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Who doth behold my Mistress’ face
John Bartlet
John Bartlet
A Booke of Ayres
Of all the birds
John Bartlet
John Bartlet
A Booke of Ayres
Whither runneth my sweetheart?
John Bartlet
John Bartlet
A Booke of Ayres
If ever hapless woman
John Bartlet
John Bartlet
A Booke of Ayres
Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson
Source unknown
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thomas Arne
William Shakespeare
As you like it II-7
When daisies pied
Thomas Arne
William Shakespeare
Love’s Labor’s lost V-2
18. Fly swift, my thoughts
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
13. As by a fountain
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
16. Shall a smile or guileful glance
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
17. We yet agree
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
9. The fire to see my woes
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
10. Go, heavy thoughts
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
11. My dearest mistress
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
6. Shall I be with joys deceived?
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
8. Beware, fair maids
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
2. Truth-trying Time
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
Two lovers sat lamenting
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.2
12. Shall a frown or angry eye?
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
9. Beauty sat bathing
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
10. Now would ‘chwore hong’d
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
11. Think you to seduce me so?
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
6. He that hath no mistress
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
7. Sweet Cupid
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
3. Sweet, restrain these showers
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
2. Some can flatter
William Corkine
William Corkine
Ayres to Sing and Play, v.1
Walter Gross and Jack Lawrence
Walter Gross and Jack Lawrence
Source unknown
23. Fantasia duet
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
6. Qual miracolo Amore
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
7. In exitu Israel
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
5. 2-part counterpoint exercise
Vincenzo Galilei
Vincenzo Galilei
Fronimo Dialogo
Joseph, lieber Joseph mein
Traditional German
Source unknown
Tell me, dearest
Robert Johnson
US-Nyp:New York Public Library, Music Division
Drexel MS 4175:Ann Twice lute Book
Have you seen but a white lily grow?
Robert Johnson
US-Nyp:New York Public Library, Music Division
Drexel MS 4257:John Gamble, his booke
Come away, Hecate
Robert Johnson
US-Nyp:New York Public Library, Music Division
Drexel MS 4175:Ann Twice Songbook
Get you hence
Robert Johnson
US-Nyp:New York Public Library, Music Division
Drexel MS 4175:Ann Twice Songbook
O, let us howl
Robert Johnson
US-Nyp:New York Public Library, Music Division
Drexel MS 4041
Fain would I change that note
Tobias Hume
Tobias Hume
The First Part of Ayres
Tobacco is like love
Tobias Hume
Tobias Hume
The First Part of Ayres
Tan ta ra ran tan tant
Thomas Weelkes
Thomas Weelkes
Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for Three Voices
April is in my Mistress’ Face
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
Madrigals to foure voyces
Absence, hear thou
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Thirsis and Milla
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Come, sorrow, come
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Fair in a morn
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Love winged my hopes
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
What if my mistress
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Mistress mine
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Can I forget what reason’s force
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
It was a lover and his lass
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
What is it that this dark night
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
A painted tale
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
With my love my life was nestled
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
I saw my Lady weeping
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
First book of airs
Do you not know
Thomas Morley
Thomas Morley
Canzonets for three voices
What is beauty but a breath?
Thomas Greaves
Thomas Greaves
Musick of Sundry Kindes
11. Shut not, sweet breast
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
9. There is a lady, sweet and kind
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
10. Now shall I then describe
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
7. Fair, sweet, cruel
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
5. Go, passions, to the cruel fair
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
6. Come, Phyllis
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
4. Now I see thy looks were feigned
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
2. What then is love?
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
3. Unto the temple
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
Shall I then hope?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
1. Not full twelve years
Thomas Ford
Thomas Ford
Musicke of sundrie kindes
Sleep, angry beauty
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Never love unless you can
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
So quick, so hot, so mad
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Fire! Fire!
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
O sweet delight
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Thus I resolve
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Come, O come, my life’s delight
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Shall I come, sweet love?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Thrice toss these oaken ashes
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Be thou then my beauty
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Now winter nights
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Awake, thou Spring
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
O grief, O spite
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
O never to be moved
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Break now, my heart
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Were my heart as some men’s are
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Why presumes thy pride?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Kind are her answers
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Time, that leads the fatal round
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
The description of a masque
Oft have I sighed
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Third book of ayres
Now hath Flora
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
The description of a masque
Move now with measured sound
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
The description of a masque
Shows and nightly revels
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
The description of a masque
Where shall I refuge seek?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Her rosy cheeks
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Come, you pretty
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
A secret love or two
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Though your strangeness
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Come away
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
So many loves have I neglected
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
There is none, O none but you
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Pined I am and like to die
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Sweet, exclude me not
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
The peaceful western wind
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
What harvest half so sweet is
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
O dear, that I with thee might live
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Good men, show if you can tell
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Fain would I my love disclose
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Give beauty all her right
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
O what unhoped for sweet supply
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Where she her sacred bow’r
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
How eas’ly wert thou chained
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Harden now thy tired heart
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
Fain Would I Wed
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Vain men whose follies
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Second book of ayres
20. Turn all thy thoughts to eyes
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
If any hath the heart to kill
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Beauty, since you so much desire
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Since she, even she
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
I must complain
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Think’st thou to seduce me then?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Her fair inflaming eyes
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
What means this folly?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Dear, if I with guile
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
O Love, where are thy shafts?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Beauty is but a painted hell
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
There is a garden in her face
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
To his sweet lute Apollo sung
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Young and simple though I am
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Love me or not
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Respect my faith
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Thou joyest, fond boy
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Veil, Love, mine eyes
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
Every dame affects good fame
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
So sweet is thy discourse
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fourth book of ayres
All looks be pale
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Lighten heavy heart thy spright
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Jack and Joan
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Come, cheerful day
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Seek the Lord
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Awake, thou heavy spright
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
As by the streams of Babylon
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Sing a song of joy
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Lift up to heaven, sad wretch
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Lo, when back mine eye
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Wise men patience never want
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Never weather-beaten sail
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Most sweet and pleasing
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
To music bent is my retired mind
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Tune thy music to thy heart
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
View me, Lord, a work of thine
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Bravely decked, come forth
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Out of my soul’s depth
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
The man of life upright
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Where are all thy beauties now?
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Author of light
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
First book of ayres
Hark, all you ladies
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
When thou must home
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
See where she flies
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
The cypress curtain of the night
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Follow your Saint
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Fair, if you expect admiring
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Thou art not fair
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Turn back, you wanton flyer
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
8. It fell on a summer’s day
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
3. I care not for these ladies
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Though you are young
Thomas Campion
Thomas Campion
Personent Hodie
Theodoricus Petri Rutha
Piae Cantiones
Piangono al pianger mio
Sigismondo d’India
Sigismondo d’India
Le Musiche… Da Cantar Solo Nel Clavicordo… Et Altri Istromenti Simili
Torna il sereno Zefiro
Sigismondo d’India
Sigismondo d’India
Le Musiche v.5
Intenerite voi
Sigismondo d’India
Sigismondo d’India
Il primo libro de madrigali ร 5 voci
5. What if I sped
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Third book of ayres
Beauty sat bathing
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Third book of ayres
3. Go to bed, sweet Muse
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Third book of ayres
Dreams and imaginations
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Second book of ayres
Love is a Babel
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Second book of ayres
Farewell, dear love
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
The First Book of Songs or Ayres
In Sherwood lived stout Robin Hood
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Fourth book of ayres
Will said to his Mammy
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Fourth book of ayres:A musical dream
When love on time and measure
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Second book of ayres
There was a wily lad
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Fifth book of ayres
Sweet Kate
Robert Jones
Robert Jones
Fourth book of ayres
For ever let thy heavenly tapers
Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson
Cheerful Ayres
As I walked forth
Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson
Source unknown
20. O bella piรน che le stelle
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
17. Se di far mi morire
Domenico Maria Melli
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
18. Dovrรฒ dunque morire?
Giulio Caccini
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
15. Sta notte mi sognava
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
16. Vestros ojos tienen d’amor
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
14. Passava Amor
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
12. Ce penser, qui sans fin
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
Vous que le bonheur
Pierre Guรฉdron
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
Si le parler et le silence
Pierre Guรฉdron
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
Lady, if you so spite me
John Dowland
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
Far from triumphing court
John Dowland
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
To plead my faith
Daniel Bacheler
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
In a grove most rich of shade
Guillaume Tessier
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
O eyes, leave off your weeping
Robert Hales
Robert Dowland
A Musicall Banquet
L’homme qui est en ce monde
Pierre de Manchicourt
Pierre de Manchicourt
Chant ร 4 parties
Ung doulx regard
Pierre de Manchicourt
Pierre de Manchicourt
Chant ร 4 parties
Petit Jacquet
Pierre de Manchicourt
Pierre de Manchicourt
Chant ร 4 parties
Fortune helas
Thomas Crรฉcquillon
Pierre Phalรจse
Theatrum Musicum
Allez courez
Pierre Guรฉdron
Pierre Guรฉdron
Ballade du Roi
En fin le ciel
Pierre Guรฉdron
Pierre Guรฉdron
Ballade du Roi
Pren de bon cueur
Pierre de Manchicourt
Pierre Attaingnant
Vingt et sept chansons musicales
Quel subit changement
Pierre Guรฉdron
Pierre Guรฉdron
Ballade du Roi
Allez courez
Pierre Guรฉdron
Pierre Guรฉdron
Ballade du Roi
23b. D’oรน vient cela?
Pierre Attaingnant?
Pierre Attaingnant
Tres Breve et Familiรจre Introduction
17b. Ces fascheux sotz
Pierre Attaingnant?
Pierre Attaingnant
Tres Breve et Familiรจre Introduction
What, then, is love but mourning?
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
Whether men do laugh or weep
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
What is a day?
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
If she forsake me
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
Ay me, that Love
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
Long have mine eyes
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
Though far from joy
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
And would you fain the reason know?
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
What heart’s content?
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
Let him that will be free
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
And would you see
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
If I urge my kind desires
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
Sweet, come again
Philip Rosseter
Philip Rosseter
A Booke of Ayres
I will
Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney
The White Album
Laudate Dominum
Antoine Brumel
Ottaviano Petrucci
Motetti de la corona
Memor esto
Josquin des Prez
Ottaviano Petrucci
Motetti de la corona
Sancta Trinitas
Antoine de Fรฉvin
Ottaviano Petrucci
Motetti de la corona
Adieu mes amours
Josquin des Prez
Ottaviano Petrucci
Odhecaton A
Favus distilans
Johannes Ghiselin
Ottaviano Petrucci
Motetti A Numero Trentatre A
La Bernardina
Josquin des Prez
Ottaviano Petrucci
Canti C numero cento cinquanta
16. Ah, dear heart, why do you rise?
Orlando Gibbons
Orlando Gibbons
First Set of Madrigals and Motets of 5 Parts
Drop, drop slow tears
Orlando Gibbons
Orlando Gibbons
Hymns and songs of the church
Susanne ung jour
Orlando di Lasso
Orlando di Lasso
Musica Transalpina
Dainty fine bird
Orlando Gibbons
Orlando Gibbons
First Set of Madrigals and Motets of 5 Parts
The silver swan
Orlando Gibbons
Orlando Gibbons
First Set of Madrigals and Motets of 5 Parts
O, that the learned poets
Orlando Gibbons
Orlando Gibbons
First Set of Madrigals and Motets of 5 Parts
8. Psalm 47
Nicolas Vallet
Nicolas Vallet
Pseaumes de David, v.1
Mark how the blushful morn
Nicholas Lanier
Nicholas Lanier
Second book of songs
146. Oyd, oyd los viventes
Miguel de Fuenllana
Miguel de Fuenllana
Orphenica Lyra
144. Jubilate deo, omnis terra
Miguel de Fuenllana
Miguel de Fuenllana
Orphenica Lyra
110. O s’io potesse, donna
Miguel de Fuenllana
Miguel de Fuenllana
Orphenica Lyra
111. Bella fioretta
Miguel de Fuenllana
Miguel de Fuenllana
Orphenica Lyra
105. Signora Julia
Miguel de Fuenllana
Miguel de Fuenllana
Orphenica Lyra
Le triomfe de la constance
Michele P. de Montรฉclair
Michele P. de Montรฉclair
Cantiaes i voix seule
14. Down in a valley
Michael Cavendish?
Michael Cavendish
14 Ayres in tablatorie
12. Wand’ring in this place
Michael Cavendish?
Michael Cavendish
14 Ayres in tablatorie
La bella mal maridada
Luis de Narvรกez
Luis de Narvรกez
Los Seys Libros del Delphin
Arde, arde, corazรณn
Luis de Narvรกez
Luis de Narvรกez
Los Seys Libros del Delphin
76. Perdita tenyo la color
Luis Milรกn
Luis Milรกn
El Maestro
78. Triste estava muy quexosa
Luis Milรกn
Luis Milรกn
El Maestro
75. Perdita tenyo la color
Luis Milรกn
Luis Milรกn
El Maestro
38. Durandarte
Luis Milรกn
Luis Milรกn
El Maestro
Disperate speranza
Luigi Rossi
Luigi Rossi
Source unknown.
For ever let thy heavenly tapers
Robert Johnson
John Wilson
Cheerful Ayres
In a season all oppressed
John Wilson
John Wilson
Cheerful ayres or ballads
John Wilson
John Wilson
Source unknown
Come hither, you that love
Robert Johnson
John Wilson
Cheerful Ayres
From the famous peak of Derby
Robert Johnson
John Playford
The Musical Companion
I prithee send me back my heart
Henry Lawes
John Playford
Music’s delight on the cithren
Belinda’s pretty, pleasing form
John Eccles
John Eccles
Women will have their wills
What poor astronomers are they
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
It was a time when silly bees
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Fie on this feigning!
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
I must complain
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Farewell, unkind!
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Weep you no more, sad fountains
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
By a fountain where I lay
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
O what hath overwrought
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Love stood amazed
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Lend your ears to my sorrow
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Flow not so fast, ye fountains
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
What if I never speed?
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
When Phoebus first did Daphne love
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Say, Love, if ever thou didst find
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Daphne was not so chaste
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Me, me, and none but me
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Behold a wonder here
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Humour, say what mak’st thou here?
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Farewell, too fair for my admiring
John Dowland
John Dowland
Third book of ayres
Shall I sue?
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Toss not my soul
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Clear or cloudy
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
White as lilies was her face
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Woeful heart
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Now cease, my wandering eyes
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Come, ye heavy states of night
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
O sweet woods!
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
If floods of tears
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Time’s eldest son, old age
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
Time’s eldest son, old age
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
I saw my lady weep
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of ayres
If that a sinner’s sighs
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Where sin sore wounding
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
My heart and tongue were twins
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Thou mighty God
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Thou mighty God
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
In this trembling shadow cast
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Thou mighty God
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Tell me, true love
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Were every thought an eye
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Stay, time, awhile thy flying
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Love those beams
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Shall I strive with words to move?
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Sweet, stay awhile
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
To ask for all thy love
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Come away, come sweet love
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres,
Disdain me still
John Dowland
John Dowland
Fourth book of ayres:A Pilgrim’s Solace
Come, heavy sleep
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Away with those self-loving lads
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Awake Sweet Love
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Come again, sweet love doth now invite
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me?
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Sleep, wayward thoughts
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Go, crystal tears
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Dear, if you change
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Now, O now I needs must part
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Who ever thinks or hopes of love
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
My thoughts are winged with hopes
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
If my complaints
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
Unquiet Thoughts
John Dowland
John Dowland
First book of ayres
20. Now the earth, the skies, the air
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
18. I die whenas I do not see
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
19. What delight can they enjoy?
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
16. Eyes, look no more
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
17. If I could shut the gate
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
7. Stay, cruel, stay
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
8. Time, cruel time
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
Like as th6-course e lute delights
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
5. Dost thou withdraw thy grace?
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
6. Why canst thou not?
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
Send home my long-strayed eyes
John Coprario
John Coprario
The masque of squires
2. Thou pretty bird
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
Go, happy man
John Coprario
John Coprario
The masque of squires
While dancing rests
John Coprario
John Coprario
The masque of squires
Come ashore, merry mates
John Coprario
John Coprario
The masque of squires
6. When pale famine
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
7. O poore distracted world
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
Send home my long-strayed eyes
John Coprario
John Coprario
Sounce unknown
3. Fortune and glory
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
5. How like a golden dream
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
7. Foe of mankind
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
‘Tis now dead night
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
4. In darkness let me dwell
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
5. My joy is dead
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
6. Deceitful fancy
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
1. Oft thou hast
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
2. O sweet flower
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
3. O the unsure hopes
John Coprario
John Coprario
Funeral Teares
No more the dear lovely nymph
John Blow
John Blow
Source unknown
O turn not those fine eyes away
John Blow
John Blow
Source unknown
54. Facciansi liete quanti
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
51. Il bel leggiadro viso
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
52. Un pastor chies
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
53. Donna, la bella mano
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
49. Elle n’eust sceu
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
50. Poi ch’el mio largo pianto
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
47. La dolce vista
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
48. Tirsi in ira
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
45. Stella crudel
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
46. Amanti miei
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
43. Amatemi, ben mio
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
44. Fuggi, speme mia
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
40. Bouche de coral precieux
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
41. Lasso, ch’ogni Augelletto
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
42. Un nuovo cacciator
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
38. Quando vostra beltร
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
39. Occhi vaghi amorosi
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
35. Raggi dov’รจ il mio bene
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
36. Madonna, un eremit
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
37. Mentre col stanco mio
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
33. Ohime, se tanto amate
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
34. Tra la chiome de l’or
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
31. Mille fiate
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
32. Lasso, ch’io ardo
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
30. Voi pur donna bramata
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
27. Occhi lucenti e belli
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
28. Mentre il ciel รจ sereno
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
29. Candide perle e care
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
26. Susanne un jour
Joachim van den Hove
Joachim van den Hove
160. Estendu parmi ces fleurs
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
161. ร ce bois si beau
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
163. Si jamais mon รขme blessรฉe
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
154. Le destin m’est si rigoureux
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
155. Rosette, pour un peu d’absence
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
157. Beautรฉ, vivant pourtrait
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
158. Arme, arme
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
156. C’est malheur que de vous aymer
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
152. Cruelle dรฉpartie malheureux
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
153. Blond est le filet d’or
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
150. Plus tost que je la die
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
151. Si je puis une fois
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
144. En place marchande
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
145. En quelque lieu
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
140. Aminte un jour
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
136. Esprit qui fais mouvoir
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
Arme, arme
Claude Le Jeune?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
135. Delivre-moi, Seigneur
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
117. Dicemi, la mia stella
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
118. Non posso piรน soffrire
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
115. Dolce mia vit’e amata
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
116. Mi parto. Ahi sorte!
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
113. Lasso quand’havran fin
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
114. Voi sete la mia stella
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
110. Ard’ogn’hor il cor
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
111. Ahi me, che col fuggire
Luca Marenzio
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
112. Andar vidi
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
109. Fuggierรฒ, Fuggierรฒ, Fuggierรฒ
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
104. Ahi, chi tien lo mio cuore
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
105. Vo cercand’il mio cor
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
106. Quando dal prim’amore
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
100. Donna, se lo mio cuore
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
102. Tanto v’ama quest’alma
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
101. Guardat’amante
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
103. Milla tue trezze d’oro
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
99. Occhi dell’alma
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard?
Jean-Baptiste Bรฉsard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
Ich will auf den Herren schau’n
J.S. Bach
J.S. Bach
BWV 93:Cantata Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten
23. E diventato questo cor meschino
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
24. Occhi miei
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
25. Poi che el mio largo pianto
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
18. Per pianto la mia carne
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
19. Donna vagh’ e leggiadra
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
20. Ardo per mio destin
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
21. Chi mi sente cantar
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
22. Filli gentil piangea
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
13. E diventato questo cor meschino
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
14. Ditemi, vita mia
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
15. Che farรฒ e che dirรฒ?
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
16. Trista sort’รจ la mia sorte!
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
17. Vorria poter andar
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
7. Susanne un jour
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
8. Aria in ottava rima
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
9. Io spero e temo ed ardo
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
10. Non vuรฒ pregare
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
11. So ben mi c’ha bon tempo
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
12. Per pianto la mia carne
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
3. Se scior’ si vedrร
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
4. Occhi miei
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
5. Mi parto, ahi sorte ria!
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
6. Io vo piangendo
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
1. Anima accese di celeste ardore
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
2. Gentil Signore e singular
Cosimo Bottegari?
I-MOe:Biblioteka Estense
mus.c.311:Bottegari Lute Book
Non ha’l ciel cotanti lumi
Giulio Caccini
I-Fn:Central National Library of Florence
Magl. IX, 66
Mijn hert heeft altijts verlanghen
Jacob Obrecht or Pierre de la Rue
I-Fc:Cherubini Conservatory of Music, Florence
MS Basevi 2439:Basevi Codex
De tous biens plaine
Hayne von Ghizeghem
I-Bc:Intl Museum & Library of Music, Bologna
MS Q16
25. Ye gentle spirits of the air
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
I attempt from Love’s sickness
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z630:The Indian queen
25. Ye gentle spirits of the air
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
25. Ye gentle spirits of the air
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
25. Ye gentle spirits of the air
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
20. Thus happy and free
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
19. O let me weep
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
19. O let me weep
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
20. Thus happy and free
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
17. If love’s a sweet passion
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
14. Hail, great Parent
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
16. When I have often heard
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
16. When I have often heard
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
14. Hail, great Parent
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
4. Sing while we trip it
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
36. Fairest Isle (GM)
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
4. Sing while we trip it
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
30. Ye blustering brethren
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
32. Round thy coasts
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
35. Your hay it is mowed
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
36. Fairest Isle (BbM)
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
24. ‘Tis I that have warm’d ye
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
27. Two daughters of this aged stream
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
20. Thou doting fool
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
22. No part of my dominion
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
23. See, see, we assemble
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
12. Let not a moonborn elf
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
13. Come, follow me
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
14. How blest are shepherds
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
18. The Frost Scene
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
19. What power art thou?
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
2. Air
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
9. Come if you dare
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
11. Hither, this way
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z628:King Arthur
37. Thy hand, Belinda
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
38. When I am laid in earth
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
39. With drooping wings
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
35. Your counsel, all, is urged in vain
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
36. Great minds against themselves conspire
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
33. Destruction’s our delight
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
27. Haste, haste to town
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
28. Stay, Prince
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
24. Thanks to these lonesome vales
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
18. Ruin’d ere the set of sun
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
21. In our deep vaulted cell
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
15. Harm’s our delight
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
8. See, see, your royal guest appears
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
9. Cupid only throws the dart
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
12. To the hills and the vales
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
4. Grief increases by concealing
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
5. When monarchs unite
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
7. Fear no danger
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
2. Shake the cloud
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
3. Ah, Belinda!
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
Sweeter than roses (Cm)
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Music for a while (Am)
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Music for a while (Am)
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Here the deities approve
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z339:Welcome to all the pleasures
3. ‘Tis Nature’s Voice
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z328:Hail, bright Cecilia
4. Now, fatal change
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
5. For whilst of thy dear sight
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
5. For whilst of thy dear sight
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
0. The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
Sound the trumpet
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z325:Sound the trumpet
3. Me Judah’s daughters
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
3. Me Judah’s daughters
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
4. Now, fatal change
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
1. Tell me, some pitying angel
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
1. Tell me, some pitying angel
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
2. Why, fairest object of my love
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
2. Why, fairest object of my love
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
Now that the sun (GM)
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z193:An evening hymn
24. Hark! The Ecch’ing Air
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen
The Lark
Henry Lawes
Henry Lawes
Source unknown
Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten
Heinrich Schรผtz
Heinrich Schรผtz
SWV 282:Kleine Geistliche Konzerte
O sรผsser, o freundlicher
Heinrich Schรผtz
Heinrich Schรผtz
SWV 285:Kleine Geistliche Konzerte
Over the Rainbow
Harold Arlen
Harold Arlen
The Wizard of Oz
6. La stanghetta
Hans Newsidler
Hans Newsidler
Ein Newgeordent Kรผnstlich Lautenbuch, v.2
22. La Morra
Hans Newsidler
Hans Newsidler
Ein Newgeordent Kรผnstlich Lautenbuch, v.1
31. Wo sol ich mich hinkehren
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
29. Von edler Art
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
28. Zucht ehr und lob
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
25. Zart schรถnste Frau
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
27. Nach willen dein
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
18. Epode 16 – Altera iam bellis
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
19. Epode 17 – Iam, Iam efficaci dominus
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
16. Epode 13 – Horrida tempestas
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
17. Epode 14 – Mollis inertia
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
14. Epode 1 – Ibis liburnis
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
15. Epode 11 – Pecti, nihil me sicut
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
13. Ode 7 – Diffugere nives
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
11. Ode 18 – Non ebur neque aureum
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
12. Ode 12 – Miserarum est
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
9. Ode 9 – Vides ut alta
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
10. Ode 11 – Tu ne quaesieris
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
5. Ode 5 – Quis multa gracilis
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
6. Ode 6 – Scriberis vario
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
7. Ode 7 – Laudabunt alii
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
8. Ode 8 – Lydiadic, per omnes
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
3. Ode 3 – Sic te diva potens Cypri
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
4. Ode 4 – Solvitur acris hyems.
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
Von edler Art
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Musica getutscht
2. Ode 2 – Iam satis terris
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
1. Ode 1 – Maecenas atavis
Hans Judenkรผnig
Hans Judenkรผnig
Utilis et Compendiaria Introductio
Giulio Caccini
Giulio Caccini
Nuove Musiche
Amor ch’attendi
Giulio Caccini
Giulio Caccini
Nuove Musiche
36. Io vรฒ gridando
Girolamo Conversi
Girolamo Conversi
Pratum Musicum
O mio cor
Girolamo Frescobaldi
Girolamo Frescobaldi
Aria musicale per cantarsi
Dadme Albriรงias
Giralomo Scotto
Villancicos de diversos autores
Che non fa
Giovanni Legrenzi
Giovanni Legrenzi
Cantate e canzonetta
Duetto buffo di due gatti
Gioacchino Rossini
Gioacchino Rossini
Source unknown
2. Quelle pointe de jalousie
Antoine Boรซsset
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.7
65. Il est donc vray, volage
Pierre Guรฉdron
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.5
60. Dialogue de l’Amour, et de Caron
Antoine Boรซsset
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.5
63. Berger, que pensรฉs vous faire?
Pierre Guรฉdron
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.4
64. Plainte d’un amant ร l’Amour
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.4
66. Que ferรฉs-vous, dites Madame
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.3
67. Patoureau, m’ayme tu bien?
Jean de Castro
Gabriel Bataille
Airs de Differents Auteurs, v.3
Sleep, slumb’ring eyes
Thomas Morley
GB-Och:Christ Church Library, Oxford
MS 439
Come away, thou lady gay
Robert Johnson
GB-Ob:Bodleian Library, Oxford
MS Don.c.57
Ave Rosa sine spinas
Robert Johnson
GB-Ob:Bodleian Library, Oxford
MS Don.c.57
Humble Pitie
GB-Ob:Bodleian Library
Canonici Misc.213
The Hunter’s Career
William Basse
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Margaret Board lute book
This merry pleasant spring
GB-Lbl:British Library
ms.add 17786-91
Woods, rocks, and mountains
Robert Johnson
GB-Lbl:British Library
Add. MS 11608
How wretched is the state
Robert Johnson
GB-Cfm:Fitzwilliam Museum
MS Dc.1.69:John Bull MS
42. Come tread the paths
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
39. Mistrust misdeems amiss
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
41. A doleful, deadly pang
Nicholas Strogers
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
34. Alas, alack, my heart is woe
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
28. Where griping grief
Richard Edwards
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
31. Ah, alas, you salt sea gods
Richard Farrant
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
26. How can the tree
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
7. Je file
Philip van Wilder
GB-AB:National Library of Wales
ms 1G i.27:Brogyntyn lute book
55. O selve
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
56. O tempo, o ciel
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
49. Ameni colli
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
51. Ahimรจ lasso
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
52. Vale diva
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
44. Ite caldi o miei suspiri
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
40. Quando andaratu
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
41. Dolermi sempre voglio
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
42. Quella bella e biancho mano
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
43. Starala ben cosรฌ
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
34. Sotto un verde e alto cupresso
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
35. Chi promette รจ debitore
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
29. Spenta m’hai del petto amore
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
31. S’io son stato a ritornare
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
33. Chi non sa, chi non intende
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
26. S’el partir m’increbe e dolse
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
27. Fate ben, gente cortese
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
28. Non si vedra
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
21. Io non manchi di fede
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
23. O bon egli
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
16. Come va il mondo
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
17. Passato e il tempo jocondo
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
18. Vidi hor cogliendo rose
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
19. Venimus e romerira
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
11. Dopoi longe fatiche
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
2. Deh, che me sa dir novella
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
13. He le nata aime colei
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
14. Poi che’l ciel
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
7. Occhi miei lassi
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
8. Per fuggir d’amor le punte
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
9. Se per colpa di vostro fero
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
1. Felice fu quel dรฌ
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
2. Per dolor me bagno
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
3. Il bon nochier
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.2
67. Non son quel ch’io solea
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
68. Se ben il fin de la mia vita
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
69. Non si po qual chi si vole
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
64. Ti par gran maraveglia
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
62. Piรน non t’amo
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
58. Poi che per fede
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
59. Aime! Ch’io moro
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
53. Poi ch’el ciel
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
55. Ala guerra
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
48. In hospitas per alpes
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
49. Se me grato il tuo tornare
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
45. Hor venduto ho la speranza
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
47. La fortuna vol cosรฌ
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
42. Se de fede vengo ameno
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
39. S’io gel dico che dirร ?
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
33. Sera forsi ripreso
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
34. Chi vi dara piรน luce
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
28. Tu dormi, io veglio
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
29. Deus in adjutorium
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
21. Chi l’harebbe mai creduto
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
22. Arma del mio valor
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
23. Lachrime e voi sospiri
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
24. Nasce l’aspro mio tormento
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
25. O mia cieca e dura sorte
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
17. Ho scoperto il tanto aperto
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
19. O diespietato tempo
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
20. Io cerco pur
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
9. Haime! Per che m’hai privo?
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
11. Non peccando altri ch’el core
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
4. O dolce e lieto albergo
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
1. Afflitti spirti miei
Franciscus Bossinensis
Franciscus Bossinensis
Tenori e Contrabassi, v.1
20. With fragrant flowers
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
21. Come, all you that draw
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
18. Beauty sat bathing
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
19. Music, dear solace
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
17. Diaphenia
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
14. Thanks, gentle moon
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
13. Climb, O heart
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
11. You that pine
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
12. Look, mistress mine
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
8. Now let her change
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
9. Underneath a cypress shade
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
6. Rest, sweet nymphs
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
7. Ay me, she frowns
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
5. Whither so fast?
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
4. Alas, fair face
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
3. Can she disdain
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
2. My choice is made
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
Piante Ombrose
Francesco Cavalli
Francesco Cavalli
La Calisto
107. Amours, amours
Hayne von Ghizeghem
F-Pn:National Library of France
Rรฉs. Vmd ms.27:Thibault ms
108. Je ne fay plus
Gilles Mureau
F-Pn:National Library of France
Rรฉs. Vmd ms.27:Thibault ms
52. Vale, diva mia
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
F-Pn:National Library of France
Rรฉs. Vmd ms.27:Thibault ms
62. Defecerunt Donna
Marchetto Cara
F-Pn:National Library of France
Rรฉs. Vmd ms.27:Thibault ms
68. Vale, diva mia
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
F-Pn:National Library of France
Rรฉs. Vmd ms.27:Thibault ms
Villancico 11 – Mira, Juan
Esteban Daza
Esteban Daza
El Parnasso
Cancion 1 – Quan bienaventurado
Esteban Daza
Esteban Daza
El Parnasso
52. Vito dulcedo
Enriquez de Valderrรกbano
Enriquez de Valderrรกbano
Silva de Sirenas
60. Chantons, buvons
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
56. Het soude een meysken
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
58. Het voer een cuyper cuypen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
59. J’ai veu le cerf
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
54. Vola, vola pensier
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
55. Amar donna ch’รจ bella
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
52. Ben mio, de dove sei?
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
53. Fiamenga freda
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
41. Se la mia longa fede
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
40. Als ick u vinde
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
39. O villanella
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
34. Ecco ch’io lass’il core
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
35. Tre gratiosi amanti
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
32. Correte tutti quanti
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
33. Chi per voi non sospiro
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
28. Comme la tourterelle
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
29. D’un si bel foco
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
26. Tu dolce anima mia
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
27. Susanne un jour
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
25. Le Rossignol
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
22. Cara la vita mia
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
23. Primum potum bibe totum
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
21. Veni in hortum meum
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
19. Io cantero di quel’ almo splendore
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
20. Io vo gridando
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
18. Donna crudel
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
13. O s’io potessi, donna
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
14. Madonna mia pietร
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
11. Appariran per me le stelle
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
La terre les eaux
Guillaume Costeley
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
Appariran per me
Orlando di Lasso
Emanuel Adriaenssen
Pratum Musicum
Folle cor
Domenico Mazzocchi
Domenico Mazzocchi
Dialoghi e sonetti
31. Dixit Dominus domino
Diego Pisador
Diego Pisador
Libro de Musica de Vihuela
83. Warumb seindt die Studenten?
Petrus Fabricius
DK-Kk:Copenhagen Royal Library
ms Thott 841 40:Fabricius lute book
N’aurai-je jamais mieux que j’ay?
Robert Morton
D-Wla:Landeskirchlichesarchiv, Wolfenbรผttel
MS. Extrav.287:Wolfenbรผttel Chansonnier
Mein eynigs A.
Paul Hofhaimer
D-Usch:Shermar Library
Misc. 236 A
Trรถstlicher lieb
Paul Hofhaimer
D-Usch:Shermar Library
Misc. 236 A
Ach lieb, mit leid
Paul Hofhaimer
D-Usch:Shermar Library
Misc. 236 A
Von edler art
Jรถrg Schรถnfelder or Paul Hofhaimer
D-Usch:Shermar Library
Misc. 236 A
Mein Fleiss und Mรผh
Ludwig Senfl
D-Usch:Shermar Library
Misc. 236 A
Augellin vago e canoro
Alessandro Scarlatti
D-Mรp:Diรถzesanbibliothek, Mรผnster
Santini Sammlung Hs. 3975
O rosetta che rosetta
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Scherzi musicali SV237
Addio, Roma
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
L’incoronazione di Poppea SV308
Zefiro Torna
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
Pur ti miro
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi
L’incoronazione di Poppea SV308
O gloriosa domina
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Concerti Sacri, Opus 2
Quis audivit unquam tale
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Concerti sacri and Salmi, Opus 3
Bone Jesu, fons amoris
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Concerti Sacri, Opus 2
O dulcis Jesu
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Concerti Sacri, Opus 2
Alma redemptoris mater
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Concerti Sacri, Opus 2
26. Giusta negativa
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
Laudate Dominum
Claudio Monteverdi
Bartolomeo Magni
Selva morale e spirituale SV272
16. L’amante segreto
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
22. Amor dormiglione
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
11. La travagliata
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
7. Chimata ร nuovi amori
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
9. La vendetta
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
10. L’amante bugiardo
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
5. La fanciuletta semplice
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
4. Costume di grandi
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariette, e duetti
A donna bella e crudele
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariete a una, due, e tre voci
5. Con male nuove
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi
Cantate, ariete a una, due, e tre voci
39. Plus nulz regrets
Josquin des Prez
B-Br:Belgium Royal Library
MS 228
22. Ich schrei und rieff
Arnolt Schlick?
Arnolt Schlick
Tabulaturen Etlicher lobgesang und lidlein
19. Vil hinderlist
Arnolt Schlick?
Arnolt Schlick
Tabulaturen Etlicher lobgesang und lidlein
16. Cupido hat im je erdacht
Arnolt Schlick?
Arnolt Schlick
Tabulaturen Etlicher lobgesang und lidlein
17. Hertzliebstes Bild
Arnolt Schlick?
Arnolt Schlick
Tabulaturen Etlicher lobgesang und lidlein
Quelle pointe de jalousie
Antoine Boรซsset
Antoine Boรซsset
Ballade du Roi
Quelle pointe de jalousie
Antoine Boรซsset
Antoine Boรซsset
Ballade du Roi
Objet dont les charmes si doux
Antoine Boรซsset
Antoine Boรซsset
Airs de Cours avec le tabulature de leut
26. Nisi Dominus
Alonso Mudarra
Alonso Mudarra
Tres Libros de Musica, v.3
27. Exurge quare obdormis
Alonso Mudarra
Alonso Mudarra
Tres Libros de Musica, v.3
1. Pater noster
Alonso Mudarra
Alonso Mudarra
Tres Libros de Musica, v.3
12-14. Sing we then heroic grace
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
18-20. If all these Cupids
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
28. Tell me, O love
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
25. O eyes, O mortal stars
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
26. Fair cruel nymph
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
23. If all the ages of the earth
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
24. Unconstant love
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
21. So beauty on the waters stood
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
22. Had those that dwell
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
17. Shall I seek to ease my grief
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
15. With what new thoughts
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
16. Fly from the world
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
11. Why stays the bridegroom
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
12-14. Sing we then heroic grace
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
9. Drown not with tears
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
10. I am a lover
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
8. Young and simple
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
7. So, so, leave off
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
5. Fain I would
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
6. Come, my Celia
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
4. Dear, when to thee
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
2. Come home
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
1. Like hermit poor
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alfonso Ferrabosco II
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Alessandro Stradella
Alessandro Stradella
La Circe
Madonna, qual certezza
Adrian Willaert
Adrian Willaert
Intavolatura de li madrigali di Verdeletto
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