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21. Si bona suscepimus
Sebastian Ochsenkhun
Sebastian Ochsenkhun
Tabulaturbuch auff die Lauten
Captain Hume’s Lamentation
Tobias Hume
Tobias Hume
The First Part of Ayres
Sylvius L. Weiss
Sylvius L. Weiss
Source unknown
La Gerusalemme liberata, canto XIX.107
Sigismondo d’India
Sigismondo d’India
Le Musiche… Da Cantar Solo Nel Clavicordo… Et Altri Istromenti Simili
Piangono al pianger mio
Sigismondo d’India
Sigismondo d’India
Le Musiche… Da Cantar Solo Nel Clavicordo… Et Altri Istromenti Simili
34. Nun last uns den Leib begraben
Philipp Hainhofer
Lautenbuch, v.1
169. Si los delfines mueren de amores
Miguel de Fuenllana
Miguel de Fuenllana
Orphenica Lyra
Dowland’s adew
John Dowland
John Dowland
Second book of songs or ayres
Sir Henry Umpton’s Funerall
John Dowland
John Dowland
Lachrimae or seaven teares
13-15. Can doleful notes?
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
9-11. Grief, keep within
John Danyel
John Danyel
Songs for the lute Viol and Voice
5. How like a golden dream
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
6. When pale famine
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
7. O poore distracted world
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
‘Tis now dead night
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
3. Fortune and glory
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
4. So parted you
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of mourning
1. O Griefe
John Coprario
John Coprario
Songs of Mourning
395. Lamentation
Jean-Baptiste Bésard
Thesaurus Harmonicus
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
Les Charmes d’Orphée
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
Jacques de Gallot
Jacques de Gallot
Pièces de Luth composées sur differens modes
19. O let me weep
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
19. O let me weep
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z629:The fairy queen
39. With drooping wings
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
38. When I am laid in earth
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
3. Ah, Belinda!
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z626:Dido and Aeneas
0. The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
4. Now, fatal change
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
4. Now, fatal change
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
5. For whilst of thy dear sight
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
5. For whilst of thy dear sight
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
2. Why, fairest object of my love
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
2. Why, fairest object of my love
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
3. Me Judah’s daughters
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
3. Me Judah’s daughters
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
1. Tell me, some pitying angel
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
1. Tell me, some pitying angel
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell
Z196:The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
55. Pavane 6 – Lachrimae
Valentin Strobel
Georg L. Fuhrmann
Testudo Gallo-Germanica
34. Lachrimae
John Dowland
GB-Lspencer:Private Library of Robert Spencer
Margaret Board lute book
Semper Dowland, semper dolens
John Dowland
GB-Lbl:British Library
ms Eg. 2046:Pickering lute book
Lacrimae pavane
John Dowland
GB-Lbl:British Library
ms Eg. 2046:Pickering lute book
Last will and testament
Anthony Holborne
GB-Lbl:British Library
ms Add 38539:John Sturt lute book
54. Pavane
Anthony Holborne
GB-Ge:Glasgow University Library
ms r.d.43:Euing lute book
41. Last will and testament
Anthony Holborne
GB-Ge:Glasgow University Library
ms r.d.43:Euing lute book
29. Solus cum sola
John Dowland
GB-Ge:Glasgow University Library
ms r.d.43:Euing lute book
24. Semper Dowland, semper dolens
John Dowland
GB-Ge:Glasgow University Library
ms r.d.43:Euing lute book
25. Lachrimae pavane
John Dowland
GB-Ge:Glasgow University Library
ms r.d.43:Euing lute book
5. Pavane
Anthony Holborne
GB-Ge:Glasgow University Library
ms r.d.43:Euing lute book
42. [A downe]
GB-Eu:Edinburgh University Library
ms Dc.5.125:Thistlethwaite lute book
79a. Dolorosa pavane
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
79b. Dolorosa pavane
Richard Allison
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
54. Allison’s knell
Richard Reade
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
25. Lachrimae
John Dowland
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
28. Farewell
Anthony Holborne
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
297. A downe
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
282. Sir Philip Sidney’s lamentation
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
268. Pavane – Lachrimae
John Dowland
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
251. Pavane – Lachrimae
John Dowland
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
176. Last will and testament
Anthony Holborne
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
111. My Lord of Dehim’s Lamentation
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
83. Last will and testament
Anthony Holborne
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
40. Melancholy galliard
John Dowland
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
George Pilkington’s Funeral
Francis Pilkington
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
22. George Pilkington’s funeral
Francis Pilkington
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
12. Duke of Milan’s Dump
GB-Cu:Cambridge University Library
13. Lachrimae pavane
John Dowland
GB-Cfm:Fitzwilliam Museum
ms 3-1956:Herbert of Cherburys lute book
21. Come, all you that draw
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
10. Sound, woeful plaints
Francis Pilkington
Francis Pilkington
First Book of Songs
58. Hierusalem convertere
Enriquez de Valderrábano
Enriquez de Valderrábano
Silva de Sirenas
12. Flerida para mi dulci y sabrosa
Diego Pisador
Diego Pisador
Libro de Musica de Vihuela
80. Het Afscheyt
Joachim van den Hove
D-Hs:Hamburg State and University Library
Ms M.B-2768:Schele lute book
81. Het Laeste Leytsche Afsheit
Joachim van den Hove
D-Hs:Hamburg State and University Library
Ms M.B-2768:Schele lute book
82. Propemticon triste de abitu doloroso
Joachim van den Hove
D-Hs:Hamburg State and University Library
Ms M.B-2768:Schele lute book
39. Lamentatio
Charles Bocquet
D-Hs:Hamburg State and University Library
Ms M.B-2768:Schele lute book
230. Lamentatio
CZ-Pnm:West Bohemian Museum
Aegidius MS IV.G.18:Rettenwert lute book
10. A la muerte de la serenísima princesa – I
Alonso Mudarra
Alonso Mudarra
Tres Libros de Musica, v.3
13. A la muerte de la serenisima princesa – 2
Alonso Mudarra
Alonso Mudarra
Tres Libros de Musica, v.3
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